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GURPS Lite is a 32-page distillation of the basic GURPS rules. It covers the essentials of character creation, combat, success rolls, adventuring, and game mastering for GURPS Fourth Edition . The purpose of GURPS Lite is to help GMs bring new players into the game, without frightening them with the full GURPS Basic Set and a stack of worldbooks! フリーソフトのほかシェアウェアや有料ソフトの体験版などもダウンロードできる。 「Everything」「正規表現検索」「AiperEditex」「GrepReplace」「探 CHAPTER 1: A Record of Things to Come It’s all over and I’m standing pretty, in the dust that was a city. - Nena, 99 Luftballoons GURPS Fallout, like the Fallout computer game series, takes place in an “alternate universe.” This From publisher blurb: This PDF version is from the Third Edition, Revised, sixth printing. User comment: Despite the publisher's comment above, the printer's key on the PDF's title page suggests that it's actually derived from the GURPS Lite (Korean Fourth Edition) - GURPS Lite is a 32-page distillation of the basic GURPS rules. It covers the essentials of character creation, combat, s Subscribe to get the free product of the week! One-click unsubscribe later

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